Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tough News

Well, it's now Tuesday night. My younger brother and his family and are coming for Thanksgiving. It has been fun getting ready for their visit. Ken is working from home this week and next week. It is always nice to have Ken at home.

Saw the surgeon last week and got some very difficult news as he described the surgery that I will have next week. I cried for several days. My life will change after surgery. They will have to remove a good portion of my stomach through one large incision, then remove a good portion of my esophagus and stretch what's left of my stomach up to create a new esophagus through another large incision. I am horrified and terrified. There will not be much stomach left and I will have to adopt a 'grazing' lifestyle and eat little bits throughout the day. After a lifetime of dieting it will be a huge change!

I am feeling a good deal better about everything now....I just want to get on with it and get to recovery. I will be in the hospital for close to 10 days with a few days in the ICU to start. I guess the worst of the recovery process can't last as long as chemo and radiation and the recovery from that...and I've been living in pain every day and have difficulty eating every day...and I cry pretty much every day because of how much I hurt. The surgery recovery can't be 13 weeks long....it just can't be!

So - I'm one week from surgery, still frightened, but looking forward to a life without pain.

More later.


  1. Lin, I am so sorry this is your lot right now. I knew about this surgery from Dr. Ramsey's wife and was hoping you could be treated differently, but alas... Mindy is approaching 6 1/2 years post-surgery so try to focus on that when you are down. Love you and pray for you daily. Connie

  2. Hi Lin, So sorry to get the news. I am praying for you and fasting as much as I can. I am hoping for the best with the surgery and that a recovery will be quicker than expected. Will you let me know when I can come and visit? To see you and support your family...not for my entertainment. Although just thinking about your nuttiness is entertaining. Love you much Chika!
    <3 Cindy
